ianlp professional coach, communication expert, professional counselor, training & consulting, business and life performance coaching, public relations and networking, perfomance, excellence, health, wellness

Dr. Manuela Priolo
International Traning&Consulting
Connecting Systems, Weaving Visions
Communication, Counseling, Coaching 360°, Well Being, Network Thinking.

homeil Coaching, cos'è destinatari, obiettivi, ambiti di applicazionelifecoachingMastery of nature ©bio e contattiform cliente



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Dr. Manuela Priolo, IANLP Professional Coach, Communication Expert, Professional Counselor.
TRAINING&CONSULTING. 360° BUSINESS AND LIFE PERFORMANCE COACHING, PUBLIC RELATIONS AND NETWORKING. Perfomance, Excellence, Health, Wellness, Corporate Communication and Coaching, Networking, Connecting Systems.

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Life is an awakening process...***

"The universe is full of magical spells, you just need to refine the mental skills to seize them all..." (Bertrand Russell).

What I love in the process of coaching, what fascinates and motivates me .... .
To help people to feel better, to achieve goals they care about, to discover the invisible and transcend present limits. To shine and succeed in what they love, make a difference in the World and make it a better place to live in.
I am fascinated by creating connections, let them emerge where they are not immediately visible, to expand people's map, facilitate communication to get better and achieve common goals.
I like to help and encourage people to achieve goals and dreams, discover visions. Be happy in their unique way.
"... discover, empower, follow, dream your dreams ... they're gonna come true ...". Support people with their own uniqueness, gifts, mission and creativity, in harmony with oneself and with others.
To accept their own beauty and gift is often the most difficult task ... .
My personal sources of inspiration ....love for music, art, travelling, meeting different people and learning from them, from their personal way of seeing things, beauty, nature and ambition to grow, authenticity and excellence.

Wise people say ... "If you don't improve, you're gonna get worse…, when you do not evolve…you are going to involve…".

Business coaching and international "Awakening" Projects.
Discover their own resources to increase a performance and achieve new goals. The intention is to help others to shine with their own uniqueness. It is primarily a process of awareness to go beyond the thresholds. I work with individuals and groups, in Italian and English (advanced), French and Portuguese (intermediate). IANLP Professional COACH Registry.

Each of us is an artist, when is able to transcend reality ....




(International Association
for Neuro Linguistic

Aico Nazionale

FERPI Nazionale

Istituto di Programmazione Neurolinguistica - Bologna

Claudio Naranjo

Ardui Associates

Awareness - Bali


Grafica e multimedia: Riccardo Spinsanti